Verify support for customer account data provided on a selected payment request.
The Verify method allows a partner to validate and tokenize the customer's account information for later use of the token in funding via the Process method.
Participants may declare the Content Types below in the request header to ‘Accept’ back as their response format (default is JSON):
Content Type: application/json
See Full List of IngoPay API Response Codes here.
Purpose: Verify support for customer bank account data provided on a selected payment request.
participant_id | RQD | INT | 5 | Unique Participant Identifier assigned by Ingo. |
account_type | RQD | STR | 2 | Value should be set to ‘AC’. |
customer_account_token | COND | STR | 255 | Alternative to account number when the account was previously tokenized. If provided, the following fields are not required: recipient_first_name, recipient_last_name, account, routing_number, recipient_address1, recipient_city, recipient_state, recipient_zip |
amount | OPT | DEC | 40 | Dollar amount of disbursement. Max value determined by participant velocity limits. |
recipient_first_name | COND | STR | 255 | Recipient first name. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_last_name | COND | STR | 255 | Recipient last name. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_business_name | COND | STR | 150 | Recipient business name - required, unless a complete personal name (both first name and last name) is provided |
account | COND | STR | 255 | Account number. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
routing_number | COND | STR | 9 | Bank routing number associated with the account number. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_address1 | COND | STR | 255 | Recipient address 1. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_address2 | OPT | STR | 255 | Recipient address 2. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_city | COND | STR | 255 | Recipient city. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_state | COND | STR | 2 | Recipient state (standard postal abbreviation). Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_zip | COND | STR | 10 | Recipient zip (5-digit zip or 10-digit zip plus 4 in xxxxx-xxxx format). Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_phone | OPT | INT | 10 | 10-digit recipient phone. |
participant_unique_id1 | RQD | STR | 255 | Participant assigned ID to be associated with customer_account_token creation. Ideally, this ID should correlate to participant assigned values affiliated with future process requests for tracking purposes. Examples include CustomerID or AccountID. Values must not include NPI data. |
participant_unique_id2 | OPT | STR | 255 | Optional second participant assigned ID to be associated with customer_account_token creation. Ideally, this ID is carried forward to future process requests for tracking purposes. Examples include CustomerID or AccountID. Values must not include NPI data. |
timestamp | RQD | INT | -> | Unix timestamp. |
version | RQD | INT | 2 | Current version is: 11 |
"participant_id": 12345,
"account_type": "AC",
"recipient_first_name": "Luke",
"recipient_last_name": "Skywalker",
"account": "22222222",
"routing_number": "011000015",
"recipient_address1": "123 Main St.",
"recipient_address2": "Apt 2",
"recipient_city": "Atlanta",
"recipient_state": "GA",
"recipient_zip": "30313",
"recipient_phone": 1231231234,
"participant_unique_id1": "5bf1e2c3-2169-406f-bf1b-f7bc5c2303b3",
"participant_unique_id2": "80525360-dae4-4d0f-9f5c-e09f3fdcf7c8",
"amount": "1010.50",
"timestamp": "1576100326",
"version": 11
status | RQD | INT | Numeric code describing status of API request (e.g. 100 = Success). |
client_message | RQD | STR | Text description associated with status code. |
data | RQD | OBJ | Information about the verify call recipient verification results |
customer_account_token | RQD | STR | GUID - Unique value generated based upon account and recipient data. |
last_4 | RQD | STR | The last 4 digits of the account number. |
request_timestamp | RQD | INT | Time stamp of the request. |
issuers | RQD | OBJ | Information about the issuer of the card. |
payee_id | RQD | STR | The Ingo assigned ID for the payee. |
payee_name | RQD | STR | Name of payee (biller/issuer). |
payee_address | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) address. |
payee_city | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) city. |
payee_state | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) state. |
payee_zip | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) zip. |
credit_info | COND | OBJ | Information regarding limits for push (credit). |
min | RQD | STR | Minimum amount issuer will accept for a push (credit) transaction. |
max | RQD | STR | Maximum amount issuer will accept for a push (credit) transaction. |
card_type | RQD | STR | This will always return a value of 'DDA'. |
estimated_posting_time | RQD | STR | Estimated posting time of the payment: “Your payment will post within 5 minutes.” or “Your payment will post todays date.” or “Your payment will post next business day’s date.” |
estimated_posting_date | RQD | STR | Estimated posting time of the payment in date format. |
debit_info | COND | OBJ | Information regarding limits for and pull (debit) transactions. |
min | RQD | STR | Minimum amount issuer will accept for a pull (debit) transaction. |
max | RQD | STR | Maximum amount issuer will accept for a pull (debit) transaction. |
card_type | RQD | STR | The type of card, i.e. debit, prepaid. |
issuing_network | RQD | STR | Information regarding the issuing network of the card. |
credit_enabled | RQD | INT | Information regarding whether the card is enabled for push (credit) transactions. Valid values: 1=Enabled, 0=Not enabled. |
debit_enabled | RQD | INT | Information regarding whether the card is enabled for pull (debit) transactions. Valid values: 1=Enabled, 0=Not enabled. |
participant_unique_id1 | RQD | STR | Echo of participant assigned ID for the verify request. |
participant_unique_id2 | OPT | STR | Echo of optional second participant assigned ID for the verify request. |
count | RQD | INT | Value = 1. |
time | RQD | STR | Time in seconds to complete the request. |
"status": 100,
"client_message": "Success",
"data": {
"customer_account_token": "89421718-a62e-4344-8a1d-4baf73fb11f1",
"last_4": "2222",
"request_timestamp": 1576100403,
"issuers": [
"payee_id": "550333",
"payee_name": "Test",
"payee_address": null,
"payee_city": null,
"payee_state": null,
"payee_zip": null,
"credit_info": {
"min": "0.10",
"max": "1000.00",
"card_type": "DDA",
"estimated_posting_time": "Payment will post 12/12/2019",
"estimated_posting_date": "12/12/2019"
"issuing_network": "NA",
"credit_enabled": 1,
"debit_enabled": 0
"participant_unique_id1": "5bf1e2c3-2169-406f-bf1b-f7bc5c2303b3",
"participant_unique_id2": "80525360-dae4-4d0f-9f5c-e09f3fdcf7c8",
"count": 1
"time": "1.0263"
Purpose: Verify support for customer non-card data provided on a selected payment request.
participant_id | RQD | INT | 5 | Unique participant identifier assigned by Ingo. |
account_type | RQD | STR | 2 | Value should be set to ‘CA’ for card-based account type transactions OR ‘BP’ for billpay account type transactions |
payee_id | COND | INT | 40 | Utilize payee_id for selected payee from the results of the Search API call. Required for BP account type request. |
customer_account_token | COND | STR | 255 | Alternative to account number when the account was previously tokenized. If provided, the following fields are not required: recipient_first_name, recipient_last_name, account, expiration_date, recipient_address1, recipient_address2, recipient_city, recipient_state, recipient_zip |
amount | OPTL | DEC | -> | Dollar amount of disbursement. Max value determined by participant velocity limits. |
recipient_first_name | COND | STR | 255 | Customer first name on the source account. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_last_name | COND | STR | 255 | Customer last name on the source account. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_business_name | COND | STR | 150 | Recipient business name - required, unless a complete personal name (both first name and last name) is provided |
account | COND | STR | 255 | Card account number. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
expiration_date | COND | STR | 4 | Card expiration date in YYMM format. Not required for BP account type requests or if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
cvv | COND | STR | 4 | CVV value (3-4 digits depending on type of card). Only required if client is configured to use the optional CVV validation for CA type requests. Never required for BP account type requests. |
recipient_address1 | COND | STR | 255 | Customer billing address for the source account. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_address2 | OPT | STR | 255 | Customer billing address for the source account, address line 2. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_city | COND | STR | 255 | Customer billing city for the source account. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_state | COND | STR | 2 | Customer billing state for the source account (standard postal abbreviation). Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_zip | COND | STR | 10 | Customer billing zip for the source account (5-digit zip or 10-digit zip plus 4 in xxxxx-xxxx format). Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_phone | OPT | STR | 10 | 10-digit recipient phone. |
participant_unique_id1 | RQD | STR | 255 | Participant assigned ID to be associated with customer_account_token creation. Ideally, this ID should correlate to participant assigned values affiliated with future process requests for tracking purposes. Examples include CustomerID or AccountID. Values must not include NPI data. |
participant_unique_id2 | OPT | STR | 255 | Optional second participant assigned ID to be associated with customer_account_token creation. Ideally, this ID is carried forward to future process requests for tracking purposes. Examples include CustomerID or AccountID. Values must not include NPI data. |
store_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned store ID. This field is required for select Retail client participants. |
terminal_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned terminal ID. This field is required for select Retail client participants. |
clerk_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned clerk ID. This field is required for select Retail client participants. |
retail_location | OPT | OBJ | Client assigned retail location information. | |
location_name | RQD | STR | 150 | Client assigned retail location name. |
location_id | RQD | STR | 150 | Client assigned retail location ID. |
location_address | RQD | STR | 150 | Client assigned retail location address. |
location_city | RQD | STR | 150 | Client assigned retail location city. |
location_state | RQD | STR | 2 | Client assigned retail location state. |
location_zip | RQD | STR | 10 | Client assigned retail location zip. |
timestamp | RQD | INT | -> | Unix timestamp. |
version | RQD | INT | 2 | API version of the request. Current version is: 11. |
"participant_id": 12345,
"account_type": "CA",
"amount": "1010.50",
"recipient_first_name": "Johnny",
"recipient_last_name": "Rockets",
"account": "4111111111111111",
"expiration_date": "2012",
"cvv": "123",
"recipient_address1": "123 Main St",
"recipient_address2": "Apt 2",
"recipient_city": "Atlanta",
"recipient_state": "GA",
"recipient_zip": "30313",
"recipient_phone": "1231231234",
"participant_unique_id1": "1f2739ed-3531-4af2-ae36-e6faf7936462",
"participant_unique_id2": "90759390-01c7-47e7-8a90-6faa89b18ff6",
"timestamp": 1576097158,
"version": 11
status | RQD | INT | Numeric code describing status of API request (e.g. 100 = Success) |
client_message | RQD | STR | Text description associated with status code. |
data | RQD | OBJ | Information about the verify call recipient verification results |
customer_account_token | RQD | STR | GUID - Unique value generated based upon account and recipient data. |
last_4 | RQD | STR | The last 4 digits of the card |
request_timestamp | RQD | INT | Time stamp of the request. |
Issuers | RQD | OBJ | Information about the issuer of the card |
payee_id | RQD | STR | The Ingo assigned ID for the payee. |
payee_name | RQD | STR | Name of payee (biller/issuer). |
payee_address | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) address. |
payee_city | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) city. |
payee_state | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) state. |
payee_zip | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) zip. |
credit_info | OPT | OBJ | Information regarding limits for push (credit to card) transactions. Returned if participant ID is enabled for push and card is enabled for push processing. |
min | RQD | STR | Minimum amount issuer will accept for a push (credit) transaction. |
max | RQD | STR | Maximum amount issuer will accept for a push (credit) transaction. |
card_type | RQD | STR | The type of card, i.e. debit, prepaid. |
estimated_posting_time | RQD | STR | Estimated posting time of the payment: “Your payment will post within 5 minutes.” or “Your payment will post todays date.” or “Your payment will post next business day’s date.” |
estimated_posting_date | RQD | STR | Estimated posting time of the payment in date format |
debit_info | OPT | OBJ | Information regarding limits for pull (debit to card) transactions. Returned if participant ID is enabled for pull processing and card is enabled for pull processing. |
min | RQD | STR | Minimum amount issuer will accept for a pull (debit) transaction. |
max | RQD | STR | Maximum amount issuer will accept for a pull (debit) transaction. |
card_type | RQD | STR | The type of card, i.e. debit, prepaid. |
issuing_network | RQD | STR | Information regarding the issuing network of the card |
credit_enabled | RQD | INT | Information regarding whether the card is enabled for push (credit) transactions. Valid values: 1=Enabled, 0=Not enabled. |
debit_enabled | RQD | INT | Information regarding whether the card is enabled for pull (debit) transactions. Valid values: 1=Enabled, 0=Not enabled. |
participant_unique_id1 | RQD | STR | Echo of participant assigned ID for the verify request. |
participant_unique_id2 | OPT | STR | Echo of optional second participant assigned ID for the verify request. |
expiration_date | RQD | STR | Expiration date of the card associated with the Customer Account Token. This date can be retained to provide alerts to the cardholder regarding the card expiration date, for the purposes of card maintenance. Expiration date in YYMM format. |
count | RQD | INT | Value = 1. |
time | RQD | STR | Time in seconds to complete the request. |
"status": 100,
"client_message": "Success",
"data": {
"customer_account_token": "ca875cce-58c0-46a0-8f14-676190cc7df6",
"last_4": "1111",
"request_timestamp": 1576097360,
"issuers": [{
"payee_id": "526263",
"payee_name": "Bank of America - Platinum MasterCard and Visa",
"payee_address": "PO Box 15019",
"payee_city": "Wilmington",
"payee_state": "DE",
"payee_zip": "19850-5019",
"credit_info": {
"min": "0.05",
"max": "1500.00",
"card_type": "Debit",
"estimated_posting_time": "Payment will post XX/XX/20XX",
"estimated_posting_date": "XX/XX/20XX"
"issuing_network": "Visa",
"credit_enabled": 1,
"debit_enabled": 0
"participant_unique_id1": "1f2739ed-3531-4af2-ae36-e6faf7936462",
"participant_unique_id2": "90759390-01c7-47e7-8a90-6faa89b18ff6",
"expiration_date": "2012",
"count": 1
"time": "2.4505"
"status": 100,
"client_message": "Success",
"data": {
"request_timestamp": 1587052142,
"customer_account_token": "a74eacf4-32e8-4081-b69c-565a89dd6cf1",
"last_4": "5678",
"issuers": [{
"payee_id": "123457",
"payee_name": "First Service Middle Jersey",
"payee_address": "PO Box 5555",
"payee_city": "Secaucus",
"payee_state": "NJ",
"payee_zip": "07032-0310",
"issuing_network": "NA",
"credit_enabled": 1,
"debit_enabled": 0,
"credit_info": {
"min": "5.00",
"max": "2000.00",
"card_type": "NA",
"estimated_posting_time": "Payment will post 04/17/2020\n",
"estimated_posting_date": "04/17/2020"
"count": 1,
"participant_unique_id1": "f8f68709-8e5d-4c19-8ca0-2eaffef4ec57",
"participant_unique_id2": "257b5bae-d52f-42e2-8f2c-0700d8d7a7a5"
"time": "1.6832"
Purpose: Verify support for customer debit or credit card data provided on a selected payment request.
participant_id | RQD | INT | 5 | Unique participant identifier assigned by Ingo. |
account_type | RQD | STR | 2 | Value should be set to ‘CA’ for card-based transactions. |
customer_account_token | OPT | STR | 255 | Alternative to account number when the account was previously tokenized. If provided, the following parameters must NOT be provided: third_party_token, recipient_first_name, recipient_last_name, account, expiration_date, cvv, recipient_address1, recipient_address2, recipient_city, recipient_state, recipient_zip. |
third_party_token | OPT | OBJ | Contains data about the optional third party account token. If provided, the following parameters must NOT be provided: customer_account_token, account, expiration_date, cvv. Only allowed if client is configured for third party token use. | |
provider | RQD | INT | 3 | Ingo-provided identifer for the third-party tokenization service provider. |
token | RQD | STR | 100 | Third party account token. To be de-tokenized, its associated account data then used to create an Ingo account token. |
amount | OPT | DEC | 40 | Amount of disbursement. Max value determined by participant velocity limits. |
recipient_first_name | COND | STR | 255 | Recipient first name. Required unless customer_account_token is provided. If customer_account_token is provided, the recipient_first_name parameter must be excluded. |
recipient_last_name | COND | STR | 255 | Recipient last name. Required unless customer_account_token is provided. If customer_account_token is provided, the recipient_last_name parameter must be excluded. |
recipient_business_name | COND | STR | 150 | Recipient business name - required, unless a complete personal name (both first name and last name) is provided |
account | COND | STR | 255 | Card account number. Required unless customer_account_token is provided or third_party_token is provided. If customer_account_token is provided or third_party_token is provided, the account parameter must be excluded. |
expiration_date | COND | STR | 4 | Card expiration date in YYMM format. Required unless customer_account_token is provided or third_party_token is provided. If customer_account_token is provided or third_party_token is provided, the expiration_date parameter must be excluded. |
cvv | COND | STR | 4 | CVV value (3-4 digits depending on type of card). Only required if client is configured to use the optional CVV validation. If customer_account_token is provided or third_party_token is provided, the cvv parameter must be excluded. |
recipient_address1 | COND | STR | 255 | Recipient address 1. Required unless customer_account_token is provided. If customer_account_token is provided, the recipient_address1 parameter must be excluded. |
recipient_address2 | OPT | STR | 255 | Recipient address 2. Optional unless customer_account_token is provided. If customer_account_token is provided, the recipient_address2 parameter must be excluded. |
recipient_city | COND | STR | 255 | Recipient city. Required unless customer_account_token is provided. If customer_account_token is provided, the recipient_city parameter must be excluded. |
recipient_state | COND | STR | 2 | Recipient state (standard postal abbreviation). Required unless customer_account_token is provided. If customer_account_token is provided, the recipient_state parameter must be excluded. |
recipient_zip | COND | STR | 10 | Recipient zip (5-digit zip or 10-digit zip plus 4 in xxxxx-xxxx format). Required unless customer_account_token is provided. If customer_account_token is provided, the recipient_zip parameter must be excluded. |
recipient_phone | OPT | INT | 10 | 10-digit recipient phone. |
participant_unique_id1 | RQD | STR | 255 | Participant assigned ID to be associated with customer_account_token creation. Ideally, this ID should correlate to participant assigned values affiliated with future process requests for tracking purposes. Examples include CustomerID or AccountID. Values must not include NPI data. |
participant_unique_id2 | OPT | STR | 255 | Optional second participant assigned ID to be associated with customer_account_token creation. Ideally, this ID is carried forward to future process requests for tracking purposes. Examples include CustomerID or AccountID. Values must not include NPI data. |
store_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned store ID. This field is required if participant is a Retail client. |
terminal_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned terminal ID. This field is required if participant is a Retail client. |
clerk_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned clerk ID. This field is required if participant is a Retail client. |
timestamp | RQD | INT | -> | Unix timestamp. |
version | RQD | INT | 2 | Current version is: 11 |
"participant_id": 12345,
"account_type": "CA",
"amount": "1010.50",
"recipient_first_name": "Johnny",
"recipient_last_name": "Rockets",
"account": "411111XXXXXXXXXX",
"expiration_date": "2012",
"cvv": "123",
"recipient_address1": "123 Main St",
"recipient_address2": "Apt 2",
"recipient_city": "Atlanta",
"recipient_state": "GA",
"recipient_zip": "30313",
"recipient_phone": "1231231234",
"participant_unique_id1": "1f2739ed-3531-4af2-ae36-e6faf7936462",
"participant_unique_id2": "90759390-01c7-47e7-8a90-6faa89b18ff6",
"timestamp": 1576097158,
"version": 11
status | RQD | INT | Numeric code describing status of API request (e.g. 100 = Success) |
client_message | RQD | STR | Text description associated with status code. |
data | RQD | OBJ | Information about the verify call recipient verification results |
customer_account_token | RQD | STR | GUID - Unique value generated based upon account and recipient data. |
last_4 | RQD | STR | The last 4 digits of the card |
request_timestamp | RQD | INT | Time stamp of the request. |
Issuers | RQD | OBJ | Information about the issuer of the card |
payee_id | RQD | STR | The Ingo assigned ID for the payee. |
payee_name | RQD | STR | Name of payee (biller/issuer). |
payee_address | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) address. |
payee_city | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) city. |
payee_state | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) state. |
payee_zip | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) zip. |
credit_info | OPT | OBJ | Information regarding limits for push (credit to card) transactions. Returned if participant ID is enabled for push and card is enabled for push processing. |
min | RQD | STR | Minimum amount issuer will accept for a push (credit) transaction. |
max | RQD | STR | Maximum amount issuer will accept for a push (credit) transaction. |
card_type | RQD | STR | The type of card, i.e. debit, prepaid. |
estimated_posting_time | RQD | STR | Estimated posting time of the payment: “Your payment will post within 5 minutes.” or “Your payment will post todays date.” or “Your payment will post next business day’s date.” |
estimated_posting_date | RQD | STR | Estimated posting time of the payment in date format |
debit_info | OPT | OBJ | Information regarding limits for pull (debit to card) transactions. Returned if participant ID is enabled for pull processing and card is enabled for pull processing. |
min | RQD | STR | Minimum amount issuer will accept for a pull (debit) transaction. |
max | RQD | STR | Maximum amount issuer will accept for a pull (debit) transaction. |
card_type | RQD | STR | The type of card, i.e. debit, prepaid. |
issuing_network | RQD | STR | Information regarding the issuing network of the card |
credit_enabled | RQD | INT | Information regarding whether the card is enabled for push (credit) transactions. Valid values: 1=Enabled, 0=Not enabled. |
debit_enabled | RQD | INT | Information regarding whether the card is enabled for pull (debit) transactions. Valid values: 1=Enabled, 0=Not enabled. |
participant_unique_id1 | RQD | STR | Echo of participant assigned ID for the verify request. |
participant_unique_id2 | OPT | STR | Echo of optional second participant assigned ID for the verify request. |
expiration_date | RQD | STR | Expiration date of the card associated with the Customer Account Token. This date can be retained to provide alerts to the cardholder regarding the card expiration date, for the purposes of card maintenance. Expiration date in YYMM format. |
count | RQD | INT | Value = 1. |
time | RQD | STR | Time in seconds to complete the request. |
"status": 100,
"client_message": "Success",
"data": {
"customer_account_token": "ca875cce-58c0-46a0-8f14-676190cc7df6",
"last_4": "1111",
"request_timestamp": 1576097360,
"issuers": [{
"payee_id": "526263",
"payee_name": "Bank of America - Platinum MasterCard and Visa",
"payee_address": "PO Box 15019",
"payee_city": "Wilmington",
"payee_state": "DE",
"payee_zip": "19850-5019",
"credit_info": {
"min": "0.05",
"max": "1500.00",
"card_type": "Debit",
"estimated_posting_time": "Payment will post XX/XX/20XX",
"estimated_posting_date": "XX/XX/20XX"
"issuing_network": "Visa",
"credit_enabled": 1,
"debit_enabled": 0
"participant_unique_id1": "1f2739ed-3531-4af2-ae36-e6faf7936462",
"participant_unique_id2": "90759390-01c7-47e7-8a90-6faa89b18ff6",
"expiration_date": "2012",
"count": 1
"time": "2.4505"
"status": 700,
"client_message": "Account not currently available for payment",
"data": {
"request_timestamp": 1610648556
"time": "2.1877"
Purpose: Verify support for customer check data provided on a selected payment request.
participant_id | RQD | INT | 5 | Unique participant identifier assigned by Ingo. |
account_type | RQD | STR | 2 | Value should be set to ‘CK’ for check disbursement transactions. |
recipient_is_beneficiary | RQD | INT | 1 | Flag indicating whether the recipient is the beneficiary. Valid values: 1 = recipient is the beneficiary (default) ; 0 = recipient is not the beneficiary |
recipient | COND | OBJ | Required only if recipient_is_beneficiary = 0, otherwise ignored; Information about the recipient (payee) of the check payment. This information is used in the printing of the pay to information and in the mailing of the check. | |
recipient_line1 | REQ | STR | 75 | Recipient / Pay To line 1 for the check and the mailing. |
recipient_line2 | OPT | STR | 75 | Recipient / Pay To line 2 for the check and the mailing. |
recipient_address1 | REQ | STR | 40 | Remittance address line 1 for the mailing. |
recipient_address2 | OPT | STR | 40 | Remittance address line 2 for the mailing. |
recipient_city | REQ | STR | 25 | Remittance city for the mailing. |
recipient_state | REQ | STR | 2 | Remittance state for the mailing (Standard Postal Abbreviation). |
recipient_zip | REQ | STR | 10 | Remittance zip for the mailing (5-digit zip or 10-digit zip plus 4 in xxxxx-xxxx format). |
recipient_phone | OPT | STR | 25 | Recipient phone number. |
beneficiary | RQD | OBJ | Information about the beneficiary associated with the payment. Only persistent data should be provided (i.e. data that can be used again for payments on the same account – do not include data specific to a single transaction). All information provided is included in the remittance data printed and sent with the check as the “Beneficiary Information” on the remittance attached to the check. When recipient_is_beneficiary = 1 (default), information in this object is also used in the printing of the pay to information and in the mailing of the check. | |
beneficiary_account | REQ | STR | 30 | Account number or other identifier that the recipient can use to ensure that the payment is applied to the proper beneficiary account. Should be a value that can be used on any repeat or subsequent payments with the same generated customer_account_token from the response. |
beneficiary_first_name | RQD | STR | 30 | First name of person associated with the beneficiary_account. |
beneficiary_last_name | RQD | STR | 30 | Last name of person associated with the beneficiary_account. |
beneficiary_company | OPT | STR | 75 | Company name of business associated with the beneficiary_account. |
beneficiary_address1 | RQD | STR | 40 | Beneficiary address line 1. |
beneficiary_address2 | OPT | STR | 40 | Optional beneficiary address line 2. |
beneficiary_city | RQD | STR | 25 | Beneficiary city. |
beneficiary_state | RQD | STR | 2 | Beneficiary state (Standard Postal Abbreviation). |
beneficiary_zip | RQD | STR | 10 | Beneficiary zip (5-digit zip or 10-digit zip plus 4 in xxxxx-xxxx format). |
beneficiary_phone | OPT | STR | 25 | Phone number associated with the beneficiary. |
beneficiary_email | OPT | STR | 60 | Email address associated with the beneficiary. |
participant_unique_id1 | RQD | STR | 255 | Participant assigned ID to be associated with customer_account_token creation. Ideally, this ID should correlate to participant assigned values affiliated with future process requests for tracking purposes.Examples include CustomerID or AccountID. Values must not include NPI data. |
participant_unique_id2 | OPT | STR | 255 | Optional second participant assigned ID to be associated with customer_account_token creation. Ideally, this ID is carried forward to future process requests for tracking purposes. Examples include CustomerID or AccountID. Values must not include NPI data. |
store_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned store ID. This field is required if participant is a Retail client. |
terminal_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned terminal ID. This field is required if participant is a Retail client. |
clerk_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned clerk ID. This field is required if participant is a Retail client. |
timestamp | RQD | INT | -> | Unix timestamp. |
version | RQD | INT | 2 | API version of the request. Current version is: 11. |
"participant_id": 12345,
"account_type": "CK",
"recipient_is_beneficiary": 1,
"beneficiary": {
"beneficiary_account": "3000000038",
"beneficiary_first_name": "Ace",
"beneficiary_last_name": "Ventura",
"beneficiary_address1": "123 Main St.",
"beneficiary_address2": " Apt 3",
"beneficiary_city": "Atlanta",
"beneficiary_state": "GA",
"beneficiary_zip": "30033",
"beneficiary_phone": "5551234567"
"participant_unique_id1": "35a792a5-39e6-46fa-add1-419a75d3aa9a",
"participant_unique_id2": "2d4ebd46-616b-4212-bc54-1f7f68514e1a",
"timestamp": 1597862420,
"version": 11
"participant_id": 12345,
"account_type": "CK",
"recipient_is_beneficiary": 0,
"recipient": {
"recipient_line1": "Elmer Fudd",
"recipient_address1": "225 Baker St NE",
"recipient_address2": "Apt 2",
"recipient_city": "Atlanta",
"recipient_state": "GA",
"recipient_zip": "30022",
"recipient_phone": "5557654321"
"beneficiary": {
"beneficiary_account": "3000000038",
"beneficiary_first_name": "Ace",
"beneficiary_last_name": "Ventura",
"beneficiary_address1": "123 Main St.",
"beneficiary_address2": " Apt 3",
"beneficiary_city": "Atlanta",
"beneficiary_state": "GA",
"beneficiary_zip": "30033",
"beneficiary_phone": "5551234567"
"participant_unique_id1": "35a792a5-39e6-46fa-add1-419a75d3aa9a",
"participant_unique_id2": "2d4ebd46-616b-4212-bc54-1f7f68514e1a",
"timestamp": 1597862420,
"version": 11
status | RQD | INT | Numeric code describing status of API request (e.g. 100 = Success). |
client_message | RQD | STR | Text description associated with status code. |
data | RQD | OBJ | Information about the verify call recipient verification results. |
customer_account_token | RQD | STR | GUID - Unique value generated based upon account and recipient data. |
last_4 | RQD | STR | The last 4 digits of the beneficiary_account value. |
estimated_posting_date | RQD | STR | Estimated posting time of the payment in date format |
estimated_posting_time | RQD | STR | Estimated posting time of the payment: “Payment will post 7-10 Days".” or “Your payment will post todays date.” or “Your payment will post next business day’s date.” |
participant_unique_id1 | RQD | STR | Echo of participant assigned ID for the verify request. |
participant_unique_id2 | OPT | STR | Echo of optional second participant assigned ID for the verify request. |
request_timestamp | RQD | INT | Time stamp of the request. |
time | RQD | STR | Time in seconds to complete the request. |
"status": 100,
"client_message": "Success",
"data": {
"customer_account_token": "6218c726-3989-40ab-af84-fa6f4c932cb6",
"last_4": "0038",
"estimated_posting_date": "08/29/2020",
"estimated_posting_time": "Payment will post 7-10 Days",
"participant_unique_id1": "35a792a5-39e6-46fa-add1-419a75d3aa9a",
"participant_unique_id2": "2d4ebd46-616b-4212-bc54-1f7f68514e1a",
"request_timestamp": 1597867738
"time": "1.4295"
Purpose: Verify support for customer account (card or non-card) data provided on a selected payment request.
participant_id | RQD | INT | 5 | Unique participant identifier assigned by Ingo. |
account_type | RQD | STR | 2 | Value should be set to ‘CA’ for card-based account type transactions OR ‘BP’ for billpay account type transactions |
payee_id | COND | INT | 40 | Utilize payee_id for selected payee from the results of the Search API call. Required for BP account type request. |
customer_account_token | COND | STR | 255 | Alternative to account number when the account was previously tokenized. If provided, the following fields are not required: recipient_first_name, recipient_last_name, account, expiration_date, recipient_address1, recipient_address2, recipient_city, recipient_state, recipient_zip |
amount | OPTL | DEC | -> | Dollar amount of disbursement. Max value determined by participant velocity limits. |
recipient_first_name | COND | STR | 255 | Customer first name on the source account. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_last_name | COND | STR | 255 | Customer last name on the source account. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_business_name | COND | STR | 150 | Recipient business name - required, unless a complete personal name (both first name and last name) is provided |
account | COND | STR | 255 | Card account number. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
expiration_date | COND | STR | 4 | Card expiration date in YYMM format. Not required for BP account type requests or if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
cvv | COND | STR | 4 | CVV value (3-4 digits depending on type of card). Only required if client is configured to use the optional CVV validation for CA type requests. Never required for BP account type requests. |
recipient_address1 | COND | STR | 255 | Customer billing address for the source account. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_address2 | OPT | STR | 255 | Customer billing address for the source account, address line 2. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_city | COND | STR | 255 | Customer billing city for the source account. Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_state | COND | STR | 2 | Customer billing state for the source account (standard postal abbreviation). Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_zip | COND | STR | 10 | Customer billing zip for the source account (5-digit zip or 10-digit zip plus 4 in xxxxx-xxxx format). Not required if a valid customer_account_token is provided. |
recipient_phone | OPT | STR | 10 | 10-digit recipient phone. |
participant_unique_id1 | RQD | STR | 255 | Participant assigned ID to be associated with customer_account_token creation. Ideally, this ID should correlate to participant assigned values affiliated with future process requests for tracking purposes. Examples include CustomerID or AccountID. Values must not include NPI data. |
participant_unique_id2 | OPT | STR | 255 | Optional second participant assigned ID to be associated with customer_account_token creation. Ideally, this ID is carried forward to future process requests for tracking purposes. Examples include CustomerID or AccountID. Values must not include NPI data. |
store_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned store ID. This field is required for select Retail client participants. |
terminal_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned terminal ID. This field is required for select Retail client participants. |
clerk_id | COND | STR | 255 | Client assigned clerk ID. This field is required for select Retail client participants. |
retail_location | OPT | OBJ | Client assigned retail location information. | |
location_name | RQD | STR | 150 | Client assigned retail location name. |
location_id | RQD | STR | 150 | Client assigned retail location ID. |
location_address | RQD | STR | 150 | Client assigned retail location address. |
location_city | RQD | STR | 150 | Client assigned retail location city. |
location_state | RQD | STR | 2 | Client assigned retail location state. |
location_zip | RQD | STR | 10 | Client assigned retail location zip. |
timestamp | RQD | INT | -> | Unix timestamp. |
version | RQD | INT | 2 | API version of the request. Current version is: 11. |
"participant_id": 12345,
"account_type": "CA",
"amount": "101.00",
"recipient_first_name": "Johnny",
"recipient_last_name": "Rockets",
"account": "411111XXXXXXXXXX",
"expiration_date": "2312",
"cvv": "123",
"recipient_address1": "123 Main St.",
"recipient_address2": "Apt 3",
"recipient_city": "Atlanta",
"recipient_state": "GA",
"recipient_zip": "30313",
"recipient_phone": "1231231234",
"store_id": "11",
"terminal_id": "22",
"clerk_id": "33",
"retail_location": {
"location_name": "ABC",
"location_id": "1234",
"location_address": "456 Retail St.",
"location_city": "Atlanta",
"location_state": "GA",
"location_zip": "30333"
"participant_unique_id1": "fb746578-c4c3-498f-b398-1ff07b4fe2ff",
"participant_unique_id2": "77d6b010-eab4-44dc-9a27-6ffa4838c9f2",
"timestamp": "1579832224",
"version": 11
"participant_id": 12345,
"account_type": "BP",
"payee_id": 123457,
"amount": "1010.50",
"account": "12345678",
"recipient_first_name": "Johnny",
"recipient_last_name": "Rockets",
"recipient_address1": "123 Main St",
"recipient_address2": "Apt 2",
"recipient_city": "Atlanta",
"recipient_state": "GA",
"recipient_zip": "30313",
"recipient_phone": "1231231234",
"store_id": "11",
"terminal_id": "22",
"clerk_id": "33",
"retail_location": {
"location_name": "ABC",
"location_id": "1234",
"location_address": "456 Retail St.",
"location_city": "Atlanta",
"location_state": "GA",
"location_zip": "30333"
"participant_unique_id1": "f8f68709-8e5d-4c19-8ca0-2eaffef4ec57",
"participant_unique_id2": "257b5bae-d52f-42e2-8f2c-0700d8d7a7a5",
"timestamp": 1587052132,
"version": 11
status | RQD | INT | Numeric code describing status of API request (e.g. 100 = Success) |
client_message | RQD | STR | Text description associated with status code. |
data | RQD | OBJ | Information about the verify call recipient verification results |
customer_account_token | RQD | STR | GUID - Unique value generated based upon account and recipient data. |
last_4 | RQD | STR | The last 4 digits of the card |
request_timestamp | RQD | INT | Time stamp of the request. |
Issuers | RQD | OBJ | Information about the issuer of the card |
payee_id | RQD | STR | The Ingo assigned ID for the payee. |
payee_name | RQD | STR | Name of payee (biller/issuer). |
payee_address | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) address. |
payee_city | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) city. |
payee_state | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) state. |
payee_zip | RQD | STR | Payee (biller/issuer) zip. |
credit_info | OPT | OBJ | Information regarding limits for push (credit to card) transactions. Returned if participant ID is enabled for push and card is enabled for push processing. |
min | RQD | STR | Minimum amount issuer will accept for a push (credit) transaction. |
max | RQD | STR | Maximum amount issuer will accept for a push (credit) transaction. |
card_type | RQD | STR | The type of card, i.e. debit, prepaid. |
estimated_posting_time | RQD | STR | Estimated posting time of the payment: “Your payment will post within 5 minutes.” or “Your payment will post todays date.” or “Your payment will post next business day’s date.” |
estimated_posting_date | RQD | STR | Estimated posting time of the payment in date format |
debit_info | OPT | OBJ | Information regarding limits for pull (debit to card) transactions. Returned if participant ID is enabled for pull processing and card is enabled for pull processing. |
min | RQD | STR | Minimum amount issuer will accept for a pull (debit) transaction. |
max | RQD | STR | Maximum amount issuer will accept for a pull (debit) transaction. |
card_type | RQD | STR | The type of card, i.e. debit, prepaid. |
issuing_network | RQD | STR | Information regarding the issuing network of the card |
credit_enabled | RQD | INT | Information regarding whether the card is enabled for push (credit) transactions. Valid values: 1=Enabled, 0=Not enabled. |
debit_enabled | RQD | INT | Information regarding whether the card is enabled for pull (debit) transactions. Valid values: 1=Enabled, 0=Not enabled. |
participant_unique_id1 | RQD | STR | Echo of participant assigned ID for the verify request. |
participant_unique_id2 | OPT | STR | Echo of optional second participant assigned ID for the verify request. |
expiration_date | RQD | STR | Expiration date of the card associated with the Customer Account Token. This date can be retained to provide alerts to the cardholder regarding the card expiration date, for the purposes of card maintenance. Expiration date in YYMM format. |
count | RQD | INT | Value = 1. |
time | RQD | STR | Time in seconds to complete the request. |
"status": 100,
"client_message": "Success",
"data": {
"customer_account_token": "715b9903-7bcd-45ae-bc92-4092c8186d9f",
"last_4": "1111",
"request_timestamp": 1579832224,
"issuers": [{
"payee_id": "526263",
"payee_name": "Bank of America - Platinum MasterCard and Visa",
"payee_address": "PO Box 15019",
"payee_city": "Wilmington",
"payee_state": "DE",
"payee_zip": "19850-5019",
"credit_info": {
"min": "0.05",
"max": "1500.00",
"card_type": "Debit",
"estimated_posting_time": "Payment will post Next Business Day",
"estimated_posting_date": "XX/XX/20XX"
"issuing_network": "Visa",
"credit_enabled": 1,
"debit_enabled": 0
"participant_unique_id1": "fb746578-c4c3-498f-b398-1ff07b4fe2ff",
"participant_unique_id2": "77d6b010-eab4-44dc-9a27-6ffa4838c9f2",
"expiration_date": "2312",
"count": 1
"time": "4.0146"